An emergency can have a significant effect on your community. We have put together a framework that can be used to hold information to allow a community response during a local emergency. Pre-planning could lessen the impact of an emergency on your community.
We have prepared a plan template that you can use to help in the planning process, which can be downloaded here.
It is not designed to replace the response by the emergency services or the local authority but is to support the response. This could be important during incidents such as severe weather or loss of utility services eg electricity, as the incident may be not be localised and other agencies may be stretched.
The Cabinet Office have produced a guide for communities and a community emergency plan toolkit which will help you to identify and prepare for hazards and threats that may disrupt community life.
If you would like an emergency planning officer to attend one of your council meetings to do a short presentation on emergency planning and the benefits of adopting a community response plan please contact us. We would particularly welcome discussing arrangements that could be put in place for dealing with flooding situations in known flood risk areas.
Once you have completed your plan, please send a copy to the emergency planning team, using the contact details below, so that in the event of an emergency the team could make contact with your town/village.
Emergency Planning Team
Derbyshire County Council
Tel: 01629 538364
Last updated: 18 Nov 2022, 11:02 a.m.